Tag: Catalysis

Billion Dollar Zeolites: Catalyzing the conversion of biomass to biofuel

Since the discovery of zeolites, the global energy supply has been improved drastically and this allowed production of higher gasoline products from oil than ever before. These microporous crystalline solids account for market size of $30.5 billion and has application in almost every sector in some or the other way. For the first time, an international team of researchers have made new findings on role of water molecules in zeolites. Get down to thehavok.com with Om Desai to know how this finding can tailor the future of bio-refineries for a sustainable growth, and how it can change zeolite industry producing 1,100,000 tons of resources annually!

2020 in a Nutshell: Sensational Breakthroughs in Chemical Sciences

With the year 2020 ending within a week, after battling the pandemic for more than a year now and witnessing multiple downfalls, it now really a high time to read some high end research in the field of Chemical Sciences.


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