Mind Or Soul? The Three Ultimate Questions To Answer

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Just imagine, how an electron would know that he has got a unit electric charge? Think that you are in a chemistry lab, doing a special experiment. This is assigned to you by your lab-instructor, but you didn’t finish it. This doesn’t harm the chemistry as a whole, nor does it prove something right or wrong. I am saying this all because chemical knowledge does not depend on your activity, ability or belief. In the same way, all biological, cosmic and supernatural powers do not cease to exist by obeying or mistrusting them.

Your observance or disbelief towards them does not define their existence or end of existence.  This conformity may seem irritational to you, but my idea is to bring you an idea in simpler terms. Because, for you, what I am going to say next requires that you start imagining.

Let’s talk about Raman Maharshi. He has told that, when infinite thoughts are born together, the mind of an organism becomes powerless. But if an organism dissolves itself on one of those thoughts then the mind becomes stronger and bolder. It is called ‘concentration’ and concentrated mind is very strong.

Ramana Maharshi
Sri Ramana Maharshi
(with his beautiful thoughts and ideologies)
(image: Pinterest)

The religious & unrighteous mind

The mind does not see righteousness, iniquity, sin & virtue, good or bad, high or low. It only sees the thought in which you put the mind. The same thought becomes intense. Since mind is the master of all senses, they also behave in the same way the mind is focused.

the religious and unrighteous mind
(image: MPRNews)

When the mind remains outside the native site, i.e. while indulging it in any external thought, makes its nature fickle. But when we are absorbed in that thought, we feel accomplished, or what we call success in simpler words. Then our mind comes to its original place, which is core of heart form some moment. As a result of this action, that organism experiences special feeling, which we call ‘happiness’. That is why, controlling mind by meditation, or through samadhi, or yoga, binds mind to the heart. This is a way of attaining happiness.

The mind is not an object or a person. It is actually an expression of ‘soul’. The way in which soul wanders in this world, is displayed by the mind. The mind itself is guided by wisdom and intellect itself is guided by the soul.

Resemblance is the key to life

In the same way, when we abuse or say a sermon, there is no harm given to the organism  which means there is no harm to the body. Actually both those lines are some strings of sounds(Words) spoken using one’s tongue – teeth. All that is meaningful to a particular person or society or culture, they all decorate the characters in different ways.

Assuming this conformity, we will say that the soul has become like the body of speaker here, which does not matter with any of our actions. Evidently, the same kind of relation is followed by mind and soul, which is between dialect and the reader. Also, consider the language which speaker has used, like Buddhi (intelligence).

Let us prove a situation using this. Let me say this:

  1. Bifyom
  2. Mig

There is no meaning of both words or sounds (mind). For humans, it is probably up to us to give a high or low representation to any of the above-mentioned statements. Our body parts, used for speaking, such as teeth-gridle or tongue (soul) have not discriminated these words while pronouncing. But when language (intelligence) decides that above words will actually be called abusive and the later word is good for society. Then the knowledge of Dharma (the eternal and inherent nature of reality) and unrighteousness, high & low, good & bad is born.

The Truth inside mind or outside it

Before that, all circumstances seem to be even and comfortable. These two are different types of words of the same class. In the same way, there is soul, which does not distinguish living being nor does it affect what kind of word it is. It is our intellect, which decides which word is good and which is bad, and likewise, society decides what work is good to do and what is not.

Noticeably, society resorts to religion (Dharma), and Dharma is one that harms nobody. It is regarded in as a cosmic law underlying right behavior and social order. It may come that someone’s acceptance about the cosmic Law or right behavior may be against the belief of someone’s else to abide by these uniformly, in short , a well celebrated regulations of  one social group maybe get perceived taboo for another society.

Someone feels that he is stationary and all objects in the front of volley are moving and person amongst those moving objects feels that he is stationary and all other are moving. This is what we called relaxation and motion relativity. In the similar way, Dharma  and Adharma is relative.

The question now arises is, what is the thing and which will remain invariant for any social groups or amidst any ideas and belief? Answer is the Satya (Truth )


It is what has happened, which will not change and is reality. It is considered essential for a balanced and harmonious existence in the universe. When truthfulness is present, the universe operates in the way that it should. Everything in the world depends on Satya to function correctly,  which will not change and is reality. That is truth, which neither the unrighteous person can deny, nor the religious person can discard. It is neither favorable for religious person, nor can he take right over it.

But by taking or knowing the truth, society and the intellectual class divide the deeds into religious and unrighteous deeds. For instance, it is religion to worship almighty, insulting parents is unrighteous, etc etc. Henceforth accepting the truth is ‘religion’ and rejection of it is ‘unrighteousness’.

The three ultimate questions

If it is true that human who dreams and this world is also indeed a sort of long-term dream, then I want to know that:

We say that the world is an illusion, why does God incarnate in it?

The entire purpose of human being was to reconcile it mind with the soul in heart, then why did mind create itself in the first place?

We know that, real happiness is attained only when mind is in its original place (hradyagruha). And only then true nature of this world is seen, and as result, this illusion disappears. Why was this kind of play created or scripted?

It could have happened that the mind of a fickle nature would have been given a slow pace and it was also given that, it should remain introverted and stay in heart’s cavity forever. Then, we would always stay away from Maya (Cosmic illusion). This did not happen. But instead, we got three stages. First; body which we live in or in which our sole reside. Second, when we live within our imagination or a dream. And lastly, body which is real and where we should strive to go and attain salvation.

Why were such conditions, or situations or perceptions, whatever, were created for living beings?

The self cannot be found in books. You have to find for Yourself in Yourself.

–SRI Ramana Maharshi

To read more articles on mind power and psychology; Click Here.

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