Sustainable Development! Well most of you have heard about this term once in your life. But the major breakthroughs in Science turning this Utopian idea into reality are often unheard of. Let’s dive into the field of Path-Breaking and Efficient Innovations changing the world.
Creating The Most Precious Liquid From Air
Magic is all deception, producing a coin from nothingness, flowers from thin air or water from empty space? Did I just say water, well that’s not a deception that’s Science! A team from Researchers from IIT Madras have developed a new machine called AWG (Atmospheric Water Generators). The team started in 2016 as a part of “Water for Future”, an initiative by IIT Madras called VayuJal.

The Machine circulates Ambient air (humid air) through the duct where air is filtered, then into the condensation chamber where it is cooled to Dew Point. The water vapor collected is then condensed and water is passed through 8-stage filtration process and minerals are added. The End product is Mineral Water from Air! Amazing, Right!

Further more Co-Founder and CEO Ramesh Kumar says that the design on cactus plant inspired the condensation surface, which was designed nano-structurally to provide more surface area and efficiency.
Today Vayujal has been able to produce mineral water at a rate of ₹1.8-2.0/liter. And they are planning to cut the cost by 5 times! The output still depends on climate conditions and areas with high relative humidity has a plus point, that is why they are developing an algorithm to maximize output.
After speaking with Prof. T. Pradeep ( Co-Founder and Director of VayuJal) about these problems, I asked “What if we keep them near the places where we hang clothes?” to which he replied (laughing) “Well that thought never crossed our mind! But if u have 100-120 clothes hanging at a time then you can keep it there. The machine needs ventilation just as we do, so I don’t think balcony is your option!”. After this he added, “We have made Vayujal fully functional with added Solar panels so that it can sustain itself and provide water at a reasonable cost!”
Now this is an idea out of the Box or shall I say ‘Thin-Air’.
Innovation is the unrelenting drive to break the status quo and develop anew where few have dared to go.
Steven Jeffes
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