Search results for: Covid-19

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The Emergence of Nanomedicine: Comprehensive Techniques to Intercept COVID-19

Nanomedicine has many applications, one such is the vaccines and other cures for COVID-19.

COVID-19 Vaccines: Sighting the End of Scientific Uncertainty

With the end of the year 2020 being a few weeks away, the thought amongst the people all over the world is whether the...

COVID-19 Breakthrough: Innovative Masks that can kill Corona Virus pathogens

SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 or corona virus, has put the whole world in danger. It has risked lives of millions of people all over the...

Fake Paper Publications: Employing Deepfake Technology to Research Reports

In mid-March, a one-minute video of Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky emerged first on social media and subsequently on a Ukrainian news website. In it,...

Omicron Corona Virus Variant: Pandemic Turning into an International Syndicate?

Is Omicron a natural mutation as researchers show the world or it’s just a game being played across the world? A game to enrich pharmaceutical sector, Aviation Industry and every sector connected to the rise of pandemic. What started as a pandemic is now being converted to profit policies and business models of many industries. Get down to to unfold this ‘Rich Game’ where millions and billions are currently being gambled, and unveil how series of speculations has led to this complex situation we have currently fallen into.

Greenflation: Rising Inflation threatens the sustainable society

While moving with full-throttle towards sustainability, and net-zero policies; we have actually left behind one of the most crucial consequences – Greenflation. Renewable and sustainable technologies require more wiring than fossil fuels do has come up with how transition from fossil fuels is going to be messier than we think. And how this all will evolve huge and steady additional costs that nations are not willing and will be unable to bear. Read now at


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Fake Paper Publications: Employing Deepfake Technology to Research Reports

In mid-March, a one-minute video of Ukraine’s president Volodymyr...

The Earth’s Core Moves Far Beneath Our Feet: Findings of Novel Research

The inner core of the earth oscillates as assumed earlier by the scientists. This article provides further clarifications.

Supermassive Black Holes Inside of Dying Galaxies Detected in Early Universe

This research could prove that supermassive black holes disturbs the interstellar gas in these galaxies which in turn affects the star formation.